Friday, October 14, 2011

Reflections of the Divine

We are each reflections of the Divine, a power or force that is universal and transcends human capacities. Is this how you see yourself?
Made in the image and likeness, sons and daughters of God, creators, imaginers, inventors, writers, artists, mothers, fathers, carers, nurturers, lovers, stand up comedians, singers, (in the shower or on stage, it's all good,) gardeners, judges, maybe even politicians, (maybe?) whatever way you choose to express yourself, we are all reflections of the Divine.

I just love this idea, that we each in our unique way are expressing a part of the Divine, we are drawing out of thin air something new, something never seen before and if it has, (there is nothing new under the sun, they say) its our version. No one else can do it just like you. Bad, good or indifferent, no one can do it just like YOU!

So see yourself as the Divine sees you, unique, perfect for you, as you were born, with creative abilities, the limits of which you have not yet tested. It serves no one to play small. Think big! Then remember, life in this body has an expiry date and go test those limits!
What are you made of? The Divine, limited only by your imagination. What have you always secretly wanted to try? Dont wait, begin it today, just try, just take the first step, go beyond your comfort zone and live now. Take a deep breath and jump in with both feet and as my friends sister says, when its time to go, you can give a great wave and shout "thanks everybody, its been great!"


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