Never compare someone else's outsides against your insides, a very wise friend once said to me. Meaning, appearances can be deceiving and we can never know the whole picture of whats going on for another. It's much wiser to compare yourself today with who you were in the past and see your progress.
I know for myself I can see so much growth, I used to be so shy and uncomfortable in my skin. I know a big part of that change came from firstly making the choice to move to a new country, very much out of my comfort zone and secondly through continual study of Science of Mind. I was both pushed by pain and pulled by inspiration in my growth. I am much happier today than any time previously in my life.
At some point I set the intention to expand and grow, from here on, through joy and love, less of the pain thank you very much! And glad to say that has been the case in large part. I think too that I also need to challenge myself and continue to move out of my comfort zone if I am to broaden my experiences. If I keep doing the same thing I keep getting the same results, if I want something new I have to take new action. I also have to ask myself what am I willing to give up in order to have this new expanded experience because its inevitable that some old beliefs and behaviors wont survive.
When I became a Spiritual Counselor with my church I let go of the fear of commitment. I was afraid if I took on this role that much would be asked, even demanded, of me, something that would impinge on my freedom. It dawned on me I could let go of this idea when I was aware how much I loved doing everything involved in being a Practitioner AND that I could say no!
I now invite the next phase of my expansion and declare my willingness to grow while releasing any ideas that do not serve me in this endeavor. Will you join me? Can you be willing to be willing? Even this slight movement can start the change, loosening the grip of the old and creating an opening for new. I give thanks for all that may transpire in our willingness to know more of who we are. And so it is!
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