Sunday, November 8, 2009

Staying in Faith

“Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.”
C.S. Lewis, British Scholar and Novelist 1898 -1963

Its easy to be faithful when things are going well or there are minor upsets that come right with prayer and the passing of a day or two. But what is going on when its been more that a day or two and things are not well, or even a month or two, or a year or more...what then? Can you stay faithful to your belief in an abundantly good universe, a benevolent giving spirit, the working of the force for good, in and through all things?

It gets a little tougher doesn't it? And yet we know that there really is no other choice, no other Truth. I affirm this truth, which is my belief despite what I see with my eyes but I wonder, is there something I am not aware of, in my behaviour or thoughts which belie my belief, which deny or negate that faith I say I have. I wonder more when I am not seeing change, the change I desire or believe is possible. I question and examine my thinking. I look more deeply when I don't see shift or experience peace about the pattern of my life. It means I cannot continue as I have been going, that I need to do or know something different in order to experience something different.

At trying times like these its so much easier to blame the external world, the economy, the politicians, the conspiracy! The truth is, we are being guided, by "doors closing behind us" maybe rather the door we hear will open before us, if we have faith.

If whatever you are doing is not working for you its time to shift focus. Only you know the answer to your own problems. Getting quite in meditation or taking a long walk in nature will help. Ask for guidance and watch for the message in something you overhear, something seen on TV or mentioned by a friend. It's there, really it is. Be open to receive from the most unusual places. Don't forget those pennies in your path that declare in God we Trust. Keep the faith, be aware of your speech and what you are affirming by your words and deeds, remember to be guided by love and most of all be gentle with yourself. Then watch the shift happen.

“Faith makes all things possible.... love makes all things easy.” Anon.

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