Today is the anniversary of my mother's passing. One year ago today I was probably in the air making the journey to Ireland to be with family and friends to celebrate her life. It was a stark new reality that was difficult despite her grand age of 92. We are none of us here to stay, we are just passing through.
In the year since her passing I have felt my world rearranging itself; priorities shifting, relationships rearranged, drawing closer to those I love, living my own life more fully. This is what death does to those who remain. We get to ask the important questions of our own life. What is most important to me? Where do I want to be, and how do I want to be and what do I want to spend my time doing? Hopefully loss reminds us to not make waiting a habit. Life is now. Its not forever and the moments, good or bad, come to pass not to stay.
This is a new moment and is unaffected by the past unless you bring old thoughts into it. Create from this moment, something that comes out of the past and all that you have been but allow it to be something completely new. Anything is possible and if we remember all of life is about letting go maybe we can go with the flow of change and not resist it. Life is always making itself anew, you can too.
My mother is a new being and so am I, we have let life change us and it is a wonderful transformation.
I am grateful for past present and future, life is good because I choose to see it this way.
Blessings, Joan